Managing Multiple Datasets in One Dashboard in One menu
Overview The Sabasi Dashboard provides a flexible way to manage multiple datasets within a single dashboard. This feature allows for a one-to-many relationship, where one dashboard can be associated with multiple datasets. Additionally, each dataset can be configured individually with custom X and Y parameters. Dashboards themselves are housed within a single menu, further enabling streamlined…
Sabasi Dashboard Delete Menu Section
Overview The Menu Section in the Sabasi Dashboard is a tool for managing menus and organizing dashboards or report boards. Menus can be made public or private and support submenus for further categorization. This section also includes functionality for managing deleted menus through a soft delete system. Deleting Menus Overview Deleting a menu will remove its association…
Sabasi Dashboard Menu Section
Overview The Menu Section in the Sabasi Dashboard is a powerful tool for organizing dashboards or report boards. Menus allow users to structure and group related dashboards, making it easier to navigate and manage data visualizations. Menus can be set as public or private, and they support submenus for advanced organization. How Menus Work Menu Actions and…