Admin panel: User management
Overview The User Management section is a crucial part of the Admin Panel, allowing administrators to manage all users within the system. This includes inviting new users, assigning roles, activating or deactivating accounts, and tracking user activity. Key Features Actions and Account Management Tips for Managing Users
Admin Panel: Categories
Overview The Categories section allows administrators to create, edit, and manage categories for surveys. Categories help to organize surveys and make it easier for users to navigate and filter surveys based on relevant topics or themes. Key Features Tips for Managing Categories
Admin Panel: organization
Overview The Organization Settings section allows administrators to configure key details related to their organization, such as its name, logo, default survey language, and timezone. This section ensures that the organization is represented consistently across the platform, and the default settings help to streamline survey management. Key Fields Tips for Using Organization Settings
Admin Panel: Dashboard
Overview The Dashboard Overview in the Sabasi Admin Panel provides a snapshot of all key activities within the organization. It is designed to give administrators a quick and detailed view of survey performance, user activity, and general organizational data. Here’s a breakdown of what the Dashboard Overview includes: Key Metrics Recent Activity This section provides…
Logging Out of Sabasi
Overview Logging out of your Sabasi account is a quick and straightforward process that ensures your account remains secure, especially when using shared or public devices. This guide explains how to log out of your account both from the web app and the mobile app. Steps to Log Out on the Web App Why You…
Organization Account vs. Individual Account on Sabasi
What is an Organization Account? An Organization Account on Sabasi is designed for users who represent a group, institution, or business. It offers enhanced features that enable collaborative survey creation and management, sharing of surveys within the organization, and multi-user access to survey results. The organization account provides higher-level tools for managing surveys that are geared towards…
Deleting Your Data
Information We Collect When you sign in to our survey app, we collect the following information: During surveys, we only collect GPS location data of responses if you allow GPS location access on your device. This information is collected to provide location-specific insights and is solely used for the purpose of the survey. Deleting Your…
Sabasi Mobile App: Responses Section
Responses Section – Drafts Overview The Drafts subsection in the Responses section allows users to store and manage survey responses that are incomplete. If you begin a survey but cannot finish it in one go, your progress is automatically saved in this section. This feature enables you to continue filling out the survey at a…
Sabasi Mobile App: Survey Tab
Public Surveys Section Overview The Public Surveys subsection in the Sabasi mobile app allows users to access surveys that are publicly available for participation. These surveys are open to all users of Sabasi and are usually created by organizations, groups, or individuals for gathering data or feedback. Users can browse through various public surveys, filter…
Transfer Section – Imports Subsection
Overview The Imports subsection in the Transfer section allows users to manage and track survey responses received via Bluetooth from other devices. These responses are handled within the app and can be uploaded to the server when the device is connected to the internet. This section provides a way to receive, review, and manage imported responses to ensure they…